DS Milan
DS Milan
A Year of Starless Nights
Just thirteen years old in rural India, and Shilpi finds out she’s married to an 80 year old! Now what?

Milan Dhir Sandu, writing as DS Milan, has been writing for so many years – she thought of wallpapering her bedroom with the rejections. Then one fine day… Highlights humored her by purchasing an article she had written while she pretended to teach kindergarten. She thought she had finally made it! But it took 10 years and grown kids before she was actually able to write again –  this time she was determined, with the help of friends who only told the truth, to get her novel published. So she dusted off her draft, which is now titled A Year of Starless Nights and diligently refined her craft. Magically – it was accepted for publication!

1. Do you have a favorite place to write?

I do, there’s a beautiful sunny window in my bedroom with a comfy seat situated just so… if I get stuck I can look out my window and marvel at how perfect things can be.

2. What do you love most about writing?

The realization that there’s a whole world inside my head that pours out onto the pages when I’m not looking ☺

3. What is the hardest and easiest part of the writing process for you?

I think the hardest part is writing those nasty queries and then sending your baby out into the world… all alone. The easiest part is writing — easy because I think it’s fun – and then rewriting and rewriting and rewriting… you get the picture.

4. What five words best sum up your personality?

Hmmm, only five? Because I’m pretty sure I have two or three people in me –okay… I think I’m introspective, passionate, physical, cerebral and a little strange.

5. Other than writing, what else do you love to do?

That would be yoga ☺ Yoga all over the world! And food (cooking and eating) all over the world!

6. Describe your perfect day.

It’s a leisurely morning, the sun is already up. I take a warm shower and do an hour and half of yoga. I saunter down the stairs for a nice hot cup of tea, and maybe some muesli or a smoothie. I sit outside in the lawn to have breakfast while I watch my dogs run around the yard. I head inside and write! Occasionally I get distracted with emails and such – but not too much, of course ☺

7. Do you have a writing schedule?

Whenever I can – which is not a lot because I work with my husband as he tries to build his business, I teach yoga part time, and I also take care of my in-laws, both in their 80’s and not very mobile.

8. What are your past, current, and/or next projects?

I have written articles and short stories for Highlights and Cricket – which got me excited about the fact that maybe I can write! Currently I have too many drafts of pictures books, middle grade and more YA! I don’t want to talk too much about them just yet.

Thanks, Milan, for a quick peek into your writing journey! You can find out more about Milan and her writing on her website here and on Facebook here.

Fun fact – Milan and I share the same birthdate!

2 responses

  1. Thank you Sandy 🙂 I think the digital version just went live….Yay!

    1. Yay! Send me the link and I’ll include it!

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